Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Books Galore!

I just finished reading Ghostgirl: Homecoming. Well actually that was a few weeks ago. It was great. Unlike the first book it puts you in an unnerving spot for a large portion of the book, but the ending really makes it worth reading. I'm not saying that books should always even out at the end or that a they even need an ending. In this story I feel like the end was befitting and a definite treat.
Last night I was feeling bluer than the cool segment of the color wheel. So, like any non-geek would do, I headed off to Barnes and Noble for a late night book run. I got a book of poems and stories by Edger Allen Poe; my favorite POEt( awful pun defiantly intended). I also bought a manga I read a review about in Otaku U.S.A.. It's called "When They Cry" it's really good so far.
While at B&N I read a lot of other books. I finished a book called "Babymouse Halloween". I'm a sucker for Babymouse books; they are these little graphic novels that are pink and gray. On average they are about one hundred pages long and quite hard to put down. I think that they are made for people much younger than I but I don't really care ^_^. I also read three chapters of Brom Stokers "Dracula". I REALLY WANT TO BUY IT! It wasn't your typical copy of "Dracula" this one had amazingly detailed illustrations and the story is great. I've watched the movie a thousand times and the book, so far, satisfied me further. Later on into the night, I read a book about the human anatomy, that one is probably the book I need most since I'm experimenting with skeletal structure with emphasis on the skull. Too bad my birthday Isn't until friggin APRIL! My mom still doesn't get my whole vampire thing, and I dont expect her to because that would mean I was trying to convert my mom which is just backwards. So until I'm old enough to get another job that has nothing to do with babysitting I'm going to have to watch my mom be weirded out by me as I buy fanged literature with her money.BTW: I did not enjoy the book twilight. Right now I'm Reading "Dead Until Dark" if you've heard of "True Blood" it's what that show was based off of. I wish you a happy day. farewell.

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