Saturday, August 8, 2009

things i havent posted about

The summer is almost over. I think i should tell you the story of every thing that happened.

After spending all my life in a comfy safe suburb in south-eastern Michigan, Was moved 2000 miles south to North-western Louisiana.I have all ways loved snow and hated heat. It NEVER snowed here and the summers, springs and falls are hot like the Dickens. I went to an inner city public school for eighth grade where everyone hated me because of my "accent",because I don't like Soulja Boy, because I still have my virginity, and because I'm smart. I made two friends but they stabbed me in the belly and always took and never gave. Enough emoness. Okay, saying i was happy for summer to start would be an understatement. since the school year was so traumatizing for me, for reasons I need not explain, I decided it was best to move forward and forget it all ever happened. the week after school ended I was Planning my trip to Michigan for Blue Lake Fine Arts camp. I was going to bunk with my best friend Anya and see the people from last year that I met. I had been looking forward to this the whole year the only real friends I had lived in Michigan and some went to Blue Lake.
The next week my brother Calvin, my sister Tasha, and her boyfriend Peter came to visit. we had fun days filled with trips to Kaleidoscoops and Walmart,and Played Melee and Mario Cart constantly. During that time I discovered a love for metal as IWABO came into my life. I got there autographs and that was probably the best day of my life... at the time. After Pete and Tasha left, and Calvin stayed I watched episodes of sailor moon and read manga online. It was pretty fun. at some point Calvin got mad at me and we stoped talking to each other (I don't remember why)I even got so angry I disowned him and refused to call him my brother.
The family feud was still going strong when the worst possible thing happened. I was talking to My friend Abena on the phone and opening a letter I got in the mail that day. I took the paper out of the envelope and began to read. It was quite possibly the worst letter I had ever gotten. i hung up on abena abruptly and began sobbing with all my violently. the letter only said that wasn't going to blue lake because there wasn't enough room, but to me it said that ill never see my friends again, the only thing I was looking forward to for a year doesn't exist, and that optimism is futile.That was important to me. I tried to get over it by dying my hair pink and shopping at hot topic but the cashier at the time was Kinda rude (the same cashier gave me a CD with cracked up case the day i got IWABO'S autograph) she made me think about no one was mean at Blue Lake. When I got home i still wasn't better and submitted to crying again. That night my mom forced me to take a babysitting job for the next day, she does stuff like this when I'm sad. BTW: all of that Blue Lake stuff happened in one day.
The kid i babysat was a total spoiled brat. she called me fat, ugly, ran away from home while i was there, never listened to a single thing I said and other things I cant talk about. I was to deal with her for the rest of the summer on a daily basis. All the while my brother hated me, and I wasn't going to go to blue Lake. One day I went online and found out that IWABO was doing a home town show. I wrote a letter begging my parents to let me go and then finally said yes. I was quiet when I got there and unfortunately my mom was with me. there was a tee shirt stand and i bought an awesome over sized shirt with a beat up bear on it (below is a pic of me wearing it)

It was hot like the Dickens in there but I put it on over my two other shirts any way. I was texting Abena while the opening bands were playing. my favorite one was Scared Of The Dark. When IWABO finally got on the stage i made my way to the front. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EFFING EXCITED!!!!!!! Krysta and Steve talked a little to the audience they also kissed which was cute ^_^. Then when they played " You Ain't No Family" I was having the best time of my life. They played a song from there last CD, then one from there current one. The song I wanted to hear most of all was "Tastes Like Kevin Bacon".
during "Danger in the Manger" my mom grabbed my arm and made me leave. I never got to hear my favorite song. I got in a verbal fight with my mom, telling her that I was finally being myself when she took me out, which was true , I was getting happier and more care-free. I yelled and Flailed but i was WAAAAAAAAAAAY too pissed to cry (I even tried to). I felt a little better when my brother wrote me a letter saying he understands, and he does because the same thing happened to him at another concert. that night we became friends again.
since then I've been secretly angry everyday along with tired and pessimistic. still babysitting every-effing-day. As the summer went on, I was still pissed about not finishing the concert. When I started registering for school I felt allot better. Although this is a private, christian, preforming arts school, I don't know weather or not to expect friends, if it will be too hard or too easy, if I will like any of the guys there etc, etc.
the last day of babysitting was annoyingly long. I wanted to go home and sleep but the kid and her mom came into the house. the kid came into my room and said all of my pictures were ugly and danced and sung and touched all my stuff with her spit covered hands. when she left i was ecstatic.
today I got my hair done for back to school. I bought my uniform, ate cake, Watched South park with my brother and finished typing this blog. tomorrow is the last day of summer. Everything is going to be new...FOR THE SEVENTEENTH TIME!